The Night Tour with Tracie

"The Bug Lady"

Drake Bay, Costa Rica

Discover the hidden treasures of Drake Bay,  Costa Rica with Tracie "The Bug Lady" .


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Tales from the Edge






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Costa Rica is home to three-toed and two-toed sloths, both of which are found in Drake Bay.

Although they are quite mobile, three-toed sloths usually have a favorite tree in which they spend about 20 percent of their time.

Once a week, they will descend from the treetops to urinate and defecate. A sloth may loose up to a third of it's body weight on one of these trips! The reason for their descent remains a mystery.



The boa constrictor is Costa Rica's largest and heaviest snake. Despite their size, boas have a rather docile disposition and are not inclined to react aggressively when approached. 

Throughout the Costa Rican countryside, many people believe that boas are venomous- but only between 6 PM and 6 AM. This persecuted snake is the subject of many myths and legends.  They are reputed to give birth to several species of venomous snakes and are even said to devour prey as large as cattle and humans! Of course, all these claims are unfounded.











The thunderous call of the howler monkey ranks as one of the rainforest's most captivating sounds.

The monkeys use their exceptionally loud call to keep neighboring troops at an amicable distance, avoiding physical confrontations.






the bug  Lady's  guide

to Drake Bay, Costa Rica ...

Tips for Travelers


Fiery-billed Aracari - Pteroglossus frantzii

Fiery-billed Aracari - Pteroglossus frantzii  

  Packing Light

If you will be flying from San Jose, there is a 30 pound maximum luggage weight allowance per person on the flight.  Resorts do  recommend traveling with only a small pack for the Drake Bay leg of your Costa Rican itinerary.  Hotels in San Jose offer safe, dependable luggage storage for the rest of your bags. 


Because it dries quickly,  light weight cotton-polyester blend clothing is ideal for the rainforest.   Along with shorts and T-shirts, you should bring along at least one pair of long pants.  Jeans are not  recommended because of the heat.  

Pants with zip-off legs, which can be purchased at most  sporting goods stores  or  camping retailers, are great.   Definitely pack lots of socks.  A hat and sunglasses are also must-bring items.


With an abundance of tree dwelling wildlife, such as  birds, monkeys, and sloths, binoculars are essential travel gear in Costa Rica. High end brands such as Swarovski and Carl Zeiss are expensive, but well worth the investment.

Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth - Bradypus variegatus

Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth - Bradypus variegatus

  Water Resistant Day Packs

Traveling with a "Dry Bag"  back pack  is a great way to protect  your  camera and other belongings  while hiking , kayaking, and  traveling by boat to Corcovado and the Island.  Dry bags can be purchased at boating supply stores.  "Seal Line"  makes  durable, quality dry bags  in a variety of sizes. 

    Comfortable Foot Ware 

Packing a pair of comfortable hiking or tennis shoes is another must do for the Costa Rica  traveler. Hiking boots have better traction and are better suited for Drake Bay. During the green season, rubber boots will prove to be the best foot ware. If you choose to go with rubber boots, it is important to pack socks that reach above the top of the boot. Otherwise your legs may become  chaffed.

Fer-de-lance - Bothrops asper

Fer-de-lance Pit Viper - Bothrops asper

Sandals should really only be worn  on the beach (the sand can get quite hot for bare feet), and during beach side boat landings.  It  is not a good idea to wear sandals while hiking in the forest. You never know what you might find on the trail!


 A good flashlight is highly recommended.  It  will be essential for  walking from your cabin to the hotel restaurant each evening. Karst Sports offers a very good selection of headlamps and great service.

  Rain Gear

If you'll be traveling in the green season, you should bring both a poncho and a small folding umbrella.   The poncho will keep you dry and warm  on boat transfers.  Many  prefer a small umbrella while  hiking in the forest, though.  Dry season typically begins in mid to late  December and runs to April, but there's always a chance of an occasional shower. 


If you wear glasses, bring along an anti-fogging agent and perhaps an extra pair just in case.


Tipping  your resort staff, captains, and guides is, of course , a matter of personal choice.  Tips are much appreciated.  It's always nice to consider the "behind-the-scenes" staff at your resort (housekeeping, gardeners, cooks, etc.) . 

Mantled Howler - Alouatta palliata

Mantled Howler - Alouatta palliata

Click below for more information about Gian's new book!

The Bug Lady's Guide To Drake Bay, Costa Rica...

Facts about Drake Bay, Costa Rica


Travel To Drake Bay


Drake Bay Area Map


Hotel Information


Tips for Travelers



Recommended Reading


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Costa Rica Tel: (506) 8701-7356 / (506) 8701-7462

© 2018 Gianfranco Gómez and Tracie Stice.  All Rights Reserved. The use of any photographs, reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or stored in a retrieval system, without prior consent of the owner - is an infringement of the copyright law and is forbidden.

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